November 26, 2014

This video from our friends at Go Green Star explains how to insulate a home's walls from the exterior, for improved energy performance and reduced energy bills, with minimum intrusion. We had this done to our home by Home Insulation Company and it has drastically reduced our draft, increased our comfort, as equally as important, the amount of noise from the exterior.

Here is a picture of a row of siding that has been removed. A hole is drilled into the exterior wall. They then insert a tube and at that point they blew cellulose into the wall. This compressed the old and

poorly installed fiberglass batt and now insulation totally fills the cavity. This provides a maximum amount of cavity insulation removing gaps and insulation defects.

After the cavities are filled, the holes are plugged, sealed with new vapor barrier, and the siding is put back on. When the job is done all that was needed was a little touch up paint and the job is complete.

This type of job can be done anytime of the year. We had ours done during one of the coldest days on record and could see an immediate difference in our indoor air temperature, lack of drafts and overall comfort.

Inspect It Right Home Inspection, Michael CarsonThe job did not come without it's challenges and dangers such as our terrier took a keen interest in the control module of the blower unit and fill tubes. He was right beside him waiting for the right opportunity to present itself to jump and take away the conroller.

Getting a home performance test also enabled us to qualify for state incentives through Wisconsin Focus on Energy. So if you are wanting to make insulation improvement to your home, contact us to perform a home performance test to help guide you through the process and make the work you do count.


  • K. Platteter

    Mike was professional, extremely knowledgeable, and just an overall really nice guy! What could easily be one of the most stressful processes in buying a home was done with ease and left us with complete peace-of-mind. As newer homeowners with limited knowledge it was important that we found a credible inspector to make up for what we lacked - and we found that and much more in Mike! You can be sure "no stone will be left unturned" and not only are you left feeling as though you have a firm grasp on your future investment, he really makes your inspection enjoyable and an educational process that allows you to get to know your future home, beneficial improvements and energy efficient changes that could be made, things to watch, consider and budget for in the future and so much more! He not only covered us to get through the purchase of our home, but for many many years to come! Mike would be my top recommendation to anyone looking!