October 11, 2013

Focus on Energy has incentives for customers who want to weatherize their home. Focus on Energy offers, for qualifying customers, 33% off the insulation bill up to $1500.00. There is an opportunity to qualify for an additional $700.00 in performance bonuses.

At the beginning of the year WPS has given the program money to match the Focus on Energy incentives. This now becomes 66% off the bill with the opportunity to earn the performance bonus for a potential total of $3700.00. WPS said that once this block of money is exhausted then the ADDITIONAL incentives will end. Throughout the year I have updated our customers and spread the word as to how much is remaining in the fund and encouraging folks to get in touch with us so you don't miss out. Here is an article I wrote explaining the program with a link explaining the program and how to find out if you qualify.

Below is the latest E mail from the Focus on Energy Program explaining the status of the additonal WPS portion of the Focus on Energy program.

The Wisconsin Public Service (WPS) Home Performance Bonus Rewards Program has been extended to the end of 2013 or until funds have been depleted.

At the current spend rate of incoming projects, the WPS Reward Level 1 and Reward Level 2 bonus rewards are both expected to be depleted in two months--or by approximately December 1, 2013. PLEASE NOTE: This is just an estimate and the time frame is subject to change without notification.

The program recommends that you submit qualifying projects with all the necessary documentation as soon as possible. Projects will be processed and bonus amounts paid on a first come, first-served basis. To avoid any misunderstandings, please make sure your present and/or future customers are aware of this time frame. Also please remind them that their WPS Bonus Reward check will be mailed directly to them from Focus on Energy approximately 4-6 weeks after their project has been completed.

If you have any questions, please contact your Regional Manager or email us at HomePerformance@focusonenergy.com.


Carter Dedolph

Senior Program Manager


  • Barry E.
    Mike was AWESOME to work with! He encouraged me to join him on the visit to see first hand what he was looking for. A true professional and didn't just complete the inspection but also provided great information on home maintenance, how systems work, and cost saving efficiencies. Would recommend him for your next home inspection!   Forgot to mention the detailed reports and reference photos and video for future use, extremely helpful! 2014